Sunday, September 29, 2013

Justin Bieber



            Justin Bieber well there is a lot to say about him. He is a music preference and is known very well for his talents.  We all know how he became famous from a boy wanting becoming a singer and now is one of the most knowing singers around the world. People have always been jealous of his fame but some people think that he is misusing it since he became famous.  I do think he has changed but it’s kind of like the Miley Cyrus issue.

            I can’t say that Justin Bieber being famous has made him less of himself because that’s what most people are saying. They think that the fame has gotten to his head. I think people are only basing their judgments on his action and yes action may speak more than words but people don’t know his life and it does not help that people say a whole lot of non-sense about him. Like they call him gay, his voice sounds like a girl, he can’t sing (for one if he couldn’t sing why his manager would hire him, when he could of hired anyone in the world, but his manager (Scooter Braun) picked him. I think that in our society today we put people down too much. I think that Justin has stayed strong from all the non-sense that is said about him.

            I think he is very talented for his age and that he is jest growing up. I can’t say that I know him but I know that most people that are his age don’t care! He is young! Like I don’t think people get what young means. He is not a man yet and you learn from your mistakes in life. We as people hang on to everything and word celebrities say and then say that we will never do that or judge them as if we didn’t do the same thing. It’s the fact that your life style is not like most celebrities like Justin Bieber so we want to make stuff up to feel good about our self because we aren’t the ones doing it.

            I’m a fan of Justin and believe he will go really far, Justin absolutely has talented and deserves tons of respect for it. Everyone that bashes him knows nothing about him. He has inspired many people to keep doing want they love. He is very smart and has many talents; he can sing dance, play guitar, piano, and the trumpet. He speaks French, English, and some German. He has kept his head up and maybe he is having a hard time in life right now but he will grow up and move on, we all do.

Friday, September 27, 2013



            I think that the media has a huge impact on society. Everywhere we go we see magazines, billboards and television shows. The media catches teenagers and kids attention in our society with what they see. I think that the media is designed for the public to show them an image of what the world should supposedly be like and so the viewers get the wrong idea of how society should be like from the news, television shows and movies, the media puts out there.
            To me the media is like a God to our society that tells us everything we need to know.  This “God “tells us that being perfect mean having a skinny body and a pretty face. They show us people that they think are perfect but most of them have been altered to look that way. So you tell me if that is fair to people who can’t make themselves look “Pretty ‘’ by buying the latest products for their skin and makeup or being “Skinny’’ by losing weight (they will only show the pretty ones with the best figures!)...What do those people do if they can’t afford that or can’t lose the weight they want because of heath problem? I remember many years ago when being heavy was a sign of you being rich, in which you could afford to eat, and had more money than the average person.  
            The media puts images of beautiful people who represent the way they think, people should be like or look like but in fact .1% of the actual population of a person body might look like the images they post everywhere. It's not realistic, never has been, and it makes a lot of people feel inferior.  They want to impress kids and teenagers. How many of us can measure up to famous actors and models? It has a bad effect but its part of the world we live in.
            I do think that everything we see on TV influences us. The media sets the dialog of the nation. If the media is not covering it, almost no one is talking about it. Because the media is generally seen as a trustworthy source, we pay special attention to what they say.  We think that just because the media says “that something is important. Or say it is big” does not mean that it is. The influence of what they say is so wide spread that everyone and anyone believes what they say.  I think that we feel as if the media impacts our lives and that is like your fairy god mother that tells you what is right from wrong.
            Media has a great influence over lives every day by telling us what we should wear, how we should look and what we should buy. Celebrities have an influence on us by the ads that they appear in. My point is I nothing else to compare it to and say we are affected this much more than someone who is not. I think People should start thinking for themselves more, instead of believing everything they see or hear. People should also focus more on the big picture and less on senseless news in the media.
Posted:9:59pm  Date: 9/27/13

What Does It Take ?

Aside from the celebrities and the role they play in society, celebrities are people jest like us .I would imagine that they would want to live a more normal life even though they are celebrities. I think that when people think about being a celebrity they think that you are always followed and have to be around bodyguards or live in a big house and have trillions of dollars in the bank. Well to be a celebrity takes more than having money and having nice houses, cars and bodyguards.


Being a celebrity takes a lot more work than it looks. The media paints this picture for us to makes it same like being famous is everything. I don’t think that’s true because most of them are not happy with their life’s and sometimes that results in harming their self’s or abusing drugs. People that become celebrities due to media attention for their extravagant lifestyle or wealth for their connection to a famous person, or even for their misdeeds.  There are many talented people that want to become famous but may never be recognized and won't ever receive the opportunity to become famous.

Wealth has to pay a big part of being a celebrity. Celebrities gain celebrity statuses form the result of a successful career in a particular field Most of the money they make depends on what their job is and how long they have had it even the aspect of being good at it. Most people in the sports and entertainments like music, film, television, radio, modeling, comedy, literature etc. only a small percentage (usually less than 1%) achieve fame and fortune.  For example most models only draw in around $500 USD every showcase and only famous models that are high in demand such as Miranda Kerr or Gisele Bündchen earn millions of dollar in their salaries. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics the median wage for commercial and print models was only $11.22 per hour in 2006 and was also listed one of the top ten worst jobs in the United States.

        Most celebrities have it very hard on them. They have to maintain and keep everything in order.  A good amount of time is spend on their careers toiling from hard work, determination, motivation, which are some of the many skills and qualities that most celebrities have that help be good at what they do. Celebrities are generally view as individuals who possess are overpaid and publicly overrated compared to a normal worker such as a doctor, police officer or a teacher. I think some celebrities work hard and deserve to get paid a high amount but the ones that don’t should not be as famous.

             I think that celebrities are all equal in their own different way, they all deserve respect for their talent (if they have any), and they are all humans. I respect celebrities that work hard to get far and the ones that own their companies and help around the world that we never hear about. They have talent in their chosen field and deserve to be there. They work hard and are smart. I like celebrities who are actually famous for their acting and or singing and manage to stay out of the media and keep their personal live personal. It makes me respect them and their work far more.


Sunday, September 22, 2013

Celebrites Fashion



              There has been some crazy fashion when it comes to celebrity. We all know about how Lady Gaga and her spunky and out of this world fashion. There is the skimpy and short look from Miley Cyrus. Whatever they wear we want. As people we look up to what their looks are. We wonder what color looks best on them or what they wore that made them stand out from other celebrity. There are many different looks they can pole off but what about if want to pole them of too, what look best for our body and how do they make it look so good when they are wearing it. I know those are all questions we ask our self are when we see something on a celebrity. There are some people that can only pole off some looks and other that can’t.

            Wearing anything kind of print on you is a very hard thing to pole off. Some people can work it and own it but then there are people who wear it and it looks like a shower curtain or a rug. One person that can pole off the Flower print look is Holland Roben from the TV show Teen Wolf. She wore a ted baker floral top and slim-fit pant ensemble that had flower print on it at the 2013 Young Hollywood Awards. She looked amazing in it. On it shows her outfit and how she looks. One celebrity that wore a flower prints dress at the Met Gala 2013 Awards. She looked very bad to me out of all her out fits this one has to be the worse to me. I think that she should have worn a more flattering dress that was loose on her baby bump. You can judge for yourself how she looked on

          When it comes to color on a person it deepens on their skin tones. I think that you have to know what colors fir your skin and how it will make you body look. Like if you are very pale don’t wear a bright color that will make you look supper white. It also goes for someone with a dark skin color don’t wear a light color that makes you body look bad and didn’t fit your skin tone. One example is Julianne Moore wore a yellow dress to the 2013 Emmys Awards. The dress made her body unflattering and that fact that she wore red lipstick with yellow throw everything off. shows her look at the Emmys.

       Men have to pole off a good color patterns all in a suite and if it doesn’t look good it ruins the whole suit. Yes, a suite is a very simple but there are many ways you can wear a suite and make you look good in it. Some woman can pole off wearing a suit but it has to fit your body right. Robin Thinke wore a black and white striped suite at the VMA Awards. Her looked very sharp and poled it off. shows his outstanding shows Taylor Schilling wearing a baby blue suit that makes her look showstoppoing. She had the right height for the suit and it flatters her body. To me you have to know what you want to wear and how a suit will fit your height and weight.

   I conclude that it takes a lot to look good and it’s not easy. Celebrities even have bad outfit’s days and sometimes don’t know what to wear that will fatter their body. When it comes to fashion it’s learn from your mistakes kind of thing. I have to say that I’m not an expert when it comes to fashion but I know one thing and that is if it doesn’t make your body look good or makes you look weird don’t wear it. The one Fashion advice I would like you to take out of my blog. I hope you all learn something and place feel free to give me as advice on what you think about this post.  

Fifty shades of Kim Kardashian


            Out of the Kardashian family, Kim Kardashian is the center of attention. Worldwide people  know about Kim Kardashian and her family. We have followed them on their TV show Keeping up with the Kardashian on .With all the derma that happens on the show it makes people want to watch it more. Kim and her family have been one of the most talked about family in the new almost every week. That’s why most people have found them very entertaining .She is a very successful businesses woman, fashion designer. I think that how she has had her families support has showed people that family means a lot to her.

            Kim Kardashian always has a story about what she did, who she is with now, how her butt is fake etc... . One of the most talked about stories about her was the marriage with Kris Humphries after just 72 days. The public went insane about how long the marriage lasted. People called her names and said that she was pretending to be in love she only wanted Kris Humphries money and so on and so forth. What I want to say is that so what she was married for 72 days. Yes that is crazy but I’m pretty sure there are many people that have done the same thing.  

             I think that the marriage was only for the media and that it was jest to get more views on the show. But then again I really don’t know what happen and I’m not one to know if her and   Kris Humphries really love each other or not. Seeing how beautiful and stunning her wedding was made me think why anyone would spends all that money and then say that they stop loving the person. Some parts of me think that she is phony but then it makes me think that if I really did love a people I wouldn’t jump in to marriage. I think that Kim felt pressure in to the marriage and jest did it to make the media happy.  Through that period Kim’s family really supported her and helped her. I really think that having her family by her side had made her keep her head up. That shows that she can go through a lot of things even if people don’t think she is worthy of it.  

            Kim just recently had her first child, a girl, with boyfriend Kanye West on June 15. Her having her baby was one thing, but when people found out about the baby’s name, it was talked about almost as much as the royal baby. People were out outrageous about the name North West. On more than 90% of people said they didn’t like the name. I would be part of that 90%. I can’t judge on how she names her baby but for real … she could have come up with a better name. The fact that Kanye West is the baby daddy makes it even more jaw dropping news. I would think that out of all the people Kim could get with Kanye would be the last on her list. Then again I’m not Kim Kardashian or Kanye West.

Kim Kardashian had always been known for getting famous for her sex tap.  Yes Kim Kardashian is a maintenance person, maybe she did get famous for that but I think that she had worked hard to be where she is now. People only think that she makes money by doing nothing and is jest a brat. So she may act like one but works hard. It’s all be hide the seine work she does the media doesn’t show because that their job.

        Kim Kardashian is hard working and has many shades to her, kind of like her mom Kris Jenner. So maybe Kim did get famous for some of those things she did in her passed, but I think that she had work hard to be where she is now. There is always hater .To me people are jealous people that would be more than happy to have what she has. I mean who wouldn’t? She will be talk about no matter what she does that her life. I’m not saying some of the things she has done make me a fan of who she is but she has learn from her mistakes. I think that she may have more than fifty shades to her but that's what makes her a Kardashian.

Saturday, September 21, 2013

“We can’t stop Miley Cyrus and we won’t stop Miley Cyrus”

Miley Cyrus has always been a big part of the teenager and children’s lives and has been very successful in her career. She was on Disney Channel as Hannah Montana and her music. She also played a big role in the movie Last Song with her now ex fiancé Liam Hemsworth.  She has been one of Americas most talked about celebrities beside fromLindsay_Lohan . I know that being a talked about celebrities have it up’s and downs but I think that Miley has kept her head up and is showing who is she.  I think that the media is playing a big role in her life but she is managing to handle it. I’m not going to tell you her whole life story but if you want to know more go to Miley_Cyrus .

            Let me start off with telling you that I think Miley Cyrus is jest at that pace in her life where she is starting to let loose and find herself. I know how outrageous she has become with her music and her sense of style, but don’t we all have a part of use that is like that. I mean let’s take a step back and think about our self’s. We have all had that point in life were we done something crazy .We all go through phases in our life, even if it’s good or bad it’s a part of who we are. It's a shame how so many people who looked up to her as children are now disappointed by how she has changed. But everyone needs to understand that she is growing up and is still deciding where she needs to go in life. What I don’t understand is why people can’t accept who she wants to be or how she want to grow up.  I think the media is making it same like she has become a terrible person and is not that innocent girl off Hannah Montana like she once was.
I think that Disney Channel has set a very difficult image for people that start their careers on the show. Now a day’s all you hear about is how Miley is setting a bad example for the kids that followed her life when she started as Hannah Montana. One thing I have to say is that everyone has to grow up. What I don't understand is why people are trying to tell her who she should be. First of all you can't change a person if they don't want to change.  People need to know that she's an adult, and she’s no longer on Disney Channel or being Hannah Montana. She is her own person and does not have to go to her parents for everything. I think that people need to stop saying that she has Change for the bad.  People need to remember that she's only human, she's no different from you or me and we're all made regrettable choices. She was a role model for most of her teenage and never really got to be a teenager if you think about it. Would you like to be watched everyday of your life by paparazzi? You can answers on your own time but in reality she never really got to be a teenager and now I think she wants to live and be free because you can and no one will stop her.

Miley new music video Wrecking ball is showing how hurt and lost she is as a young woman trying to find herself. OK so her performance at the VMA's was kind of out there, but what I don't get is why people are pointing the fingers at only her. Robin Thicke was also on stage too. Robin and Miley both said before the VMA's that they both will be doing an outrageous performance. Miley even stated this in an interview on nydailynews. “Me and Robin (Thicke) the whole time said, 'You know, we're about to make history right now," Her outfit she was wearing at the VMA’S was the same outfits the girls wore in Robin Thick music video Blurred Lines. I think that media is putting a negative image on her. 

 To me Miley Cyrus has been a confident girl so far but at this point she could go one of two ways depending on the kind of person she is. I think that the media can put positive and negative influences in people lives. I think that Miley can only start learning about who she by learning from her mistakes and find who she wants to been. Or she will go downhill because of the media and will end up like other stars that have been distorted form the media. All I have to end with is that we can’t stop Miley and we can’t make her decisions for her.