Saturday, January 18, 2014

Sweat and Sour

Life obviously isn’t perfect, things rarely ever are. But sometimes it’s the little things that get to us, and make us wonder why the world is so against us. Like what the fuck did I ever do to you, world, to make you hate me so much?!

            The case in point in this situation is positive and negative people. In reality, we meet a lot of people and we ether like them or don’t. It’s just that simple now a day for people. Most people have personal preference to what they find in a friend and what they look for but, and a completely different story. But back to the main point-  most people are nice and sweat but not all I mean I really don’t like negative people like really they shouldn’t really be giving anyone stress. But unfortunately they often have the potential to do so, usually in our everyday lifes depending on the situations.
            You’re probably asking yourself, yes! I know lots of people that are very negative and possibly have enough goddamn power to ruin your day and give you anxiety? Either that or you’re wondering why you’re wasting your time reading this rather pointless blog when there are so many more useful ways you could be spending your time. But let me tell you, one of the most annoying things ever, and I do mean EVER is when those same people pretend to be your friend when they see you somewhere outside of school or if they don’t have anyone to talk to.

            Okay so I probably sound like a shallow bitch but it happens to everyone and you know that it’s true don’t deny it. Like how could I possibly care so much about what people think of me and act towards me, when there are skinny children starving to death in Africa? But I’m just going to ask you to kindly not judge me until this situation happens to you. Put yourself in my shoes for a second: you have that one friend that is always telling mean thing and tell you that they hate when you are positive and always smiling. You would want to not be friends and not have anything to do with them.          

             I think to myself all the time “How does this happen?!”, like everyone else doesn’t really case they are too full of themselves. If this has ever happened to you before, you have my deepest sympathies. How’s a hygienic person to survive? There’s nothing you can do, except to forgive and forget and hope that you can make a better friendship or just simply get out of it as soon as possible.

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