Sunday, January 12, 2014

History: H.L. Mencken article after the scopes trial

My Opinion on H.L. Mencken article after the scopes trial is that I agree with his argument that the meaning of religious freedom is misapprehended and how superstition cans inalienable rights.  For example most people say that they are religious but do not act like it. For an example someone could say that they are christen but do not do what christen should do.

 In the article Mencken stats that “a person can have the right to teach their harbor and indulge their imbecilities and teach it on his children as long they pleases but does not have the right to force his inflict upon other person and should not be protected against free criticism of those who do not believe in what they do” that a person can have a superstitious inalienable right.

Mencken is right by saying that a person that  believe in a religion can make it outrageous and manipulate people in to believing them and most of them can’t explain why they did it. Like the people that take their believes to the extreme. Like for example Warren Jeff’s that came up with his own religions and made thousands of people to believe in it and then brainwash them in to doing things that were against the law and Jim jones that brainwashed and killed thousands of people.         

During the trail Bryan was trying to forces the believes of religion in court and that Darrow was trying to explain that religion my not explain everything but by science we can try to explain somewhat of what the bible is trying to tell use. In my opinion I agree with what Mencken said that American can try to understand why the bible don’t always have the right answer, but that Darrow explains it in an hour. But if Darrow believed in homo neanderthalensis why have we not changed over the years we have been on earth? 

In conclusion is that I agree with Menken article that religion can become corrupt a superstition can should not be force on people. My thoughts on the article were that  if Darrow believed in homo neanderthalensis why have we not changed over the years we have been on earth?  I also think that most of what we have grown from always going to the bible for very thing has changed and that what Mencken was staying in his article. Over all I think that religion vs. science is still a big factor in the United States today and that there will always be both side that agree with religion or sciences and there will be people who disagree.

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