Sunday, September 22, 2013

Fifty shades of Kim Kardashian


            Out of the Kardashian family, Kim Kardashian is the center of attention. Worldwide people  know about Kim Kardashian and her family. We have followed them on their TV show Keeping up with the Kardashian on .With all the derma that happens on the show it makes people want to watch it more. Kim and her family have been one of the most talked about family in the new almost every week. That’s why most people have found them very entertaining .She is a very successful businesses woman, fashion designer. I think that how she has had her families support has showed people that family means a lot to her.

            Kim Kardashian always has a story about what she did, who she is with now, how her butt is fake etc... . One of the most talked about stories about her was the marriage with Kris Humphries after just 72 days. The public went insane about how long the marriage lasted. People called her names and said that she was pretending to be in love she only wanted Kris Humphries money and so on and so forth. What I want to say is that so what she was married for 72 days. Yes that is crazy but I’m pretty sure there are many people that have done the same thing.  

             I think that the marriage was only for the media and that it was jest to get more views on the show. But then again I really don’t know what happen and I’m not one to know if her and   Kris Humphries really love each other or not. Seeing how beautiful and stunning her wedding was made me think why anyone would spends all that money and then say that they stop loving the person. Some parts of me think that she is phony but then it makes me think that if I really did love a people I wouldn’t jump in to marriage. I think that Kim felt pressure in to the marriage and jest did it to make the media happy.  Through that period Kim’s family really supported her and helped her. I really think that having her family by her side had made her keep her head up. That shows that she can go through a lot of things even if people don’t think she is worthy of it.  

            Kim just recently had her first child, a girl, with boyfriend Kanye West on June 15. Her having her baby was one thing, but when people found out about the baby’s name, it was talked about almost as much as the royal baby. People were out outrageous about the name North West. On more than 90% of people said they didn’t like the name. I would be part of that 90%. I can’t judge on how she names her baby but for real … she could have come up with a better name. The fact that Kanye West is the baby daddy makes it even more jaw dropping news. I would think that out of all the people Kim could get with Kanye would be the last on her list. Then again I’m not Kim Kardashian or Kanye West.

Kim Kardashian had always been known for getting famous for her sex tap.  Yes Kim Kardashian is a maintenance person, maybe she did get famous for that but I think that she had worked hard to be where she is now. People only think that she makes money by doing nothing and is jest a brat. So she may act like one but works hard. It’s all be hide the seine work she does the media doesn’t show because that their job.

        Kim Kardashian is hard working and has many shades to her, kind of like her mom Kris Jenner. So maybe Kim did get famous for some of those things she did in her passed, but I think that she had work hard to be where she is now. There is always hater .To me people are jealous people that would be more than happy to have what she has. I mean who wouldn’t? She will be talk about no matter what she does that her life. I’m not saying some of the things she has done make me a fan of who she is but she has learn from her mistakes. I think that she may have more than fifty shades to her but that's what makes her a Kardashian.

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