Friday, September 27, 2013



            I think that the media has a huge impact on society. Everywhere we go we see magazines, billboards and television shows. The media catches teenagers and kids attention in our society with what they see. I think that the media is designed for the public to show them an image of what the world should supposedly be like and so the viewers get the wrong idea of how society should be like from the news, television shows and movies, the media puts out there.
            To me the media is like a God to our society that tells us everything we need to know.  This “God “tells us that being perfect mean having a skinny body and a pretty face. They show us people that they think are perfect but most of them have been altered to look that way. So you tell me if that is fair to people who can’t make themselves look “Pretty ‘’ by buying the latest products for their skin and makeup or being “Skinny’’ by losing weight (they will only show the pretty ones with the best figures!)...What do those people do if they can’t afford that or can’t lose the weight they want because of heath problem? I remember many years ago when being heavy was a sign of you being rich, in which you could afford to eat, and had more money than the average person.  
            The media puts images of beautiful people who represent the way they think, people should be like or look like but in fact .1% of the actual population of a person body might look like the images they post everywhere. It's not realistic, never has been, and it makes a lot of people feel inferior.  They want to impress kids and teenagers. How many of us can measure up to famous actors and models? It has a bad effect but its part of the world we live in.
            I do think that everything we see on TV influences us. The media sets the dialog of the nation. If the media is not covering it, almost no one is talking about it. Because the media is generally seen as a trustworthy source, we pay special attention to what they say.  We think that just because the media says “that something is important. Or say it is big” does not mean that it is. The influence of what they say is so wide spread that everyone and anyone believes what they say.  I think that we feel as if the media impacts our lives and that is like your fairy god mother that tells you what is right from wrong.
            Media has a great influence over lives every day by telling us what we should wear, how we should look and what we should buy. Celebrities have an influence on us by the ads that they appear in. My point is I nothing else to compare it to and say we are affected this much more than someone who is not. I think People should start thinking for themselves more, instead of believing everything they see or hear. People should also focus more on the big picture and less on senseless news in the media.
Posted:9:59pm  Date: 9/27/13

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