Sunday, September 29, 2013

Justin Bieber



            Justin Bieber well there is a lot to say about him. He is a music preference and is known very well for his talents.  We all know how he became famous from a boy wanting becoming a singer and now is one of the most knowing singers around the world. People have always been jealous of his fame but some people think that he is misusing it since he became famous.  I do think he has changed but it’s kind of like the Miley Cyrus issue.

            I can’t say that Justin Bieber being famous has made him less of himself because that’s what most people are saying. They think that the fame has gotten to his head. I think people are only basing their judgments on his action and yes action may speak more than words but people don’t know his life and it does not help that people say a whole lot of non-sense about him. Like they call him gay, his voice sounds like a girl, he can’t sing (for one if he couldn’t sing why his manager would hire him, when he could of hired anyone in the world, but his manager (Scooter Braun) picked him. I think that in our society today we put people down too much. I think that Justin has stayed strong from all the non-sense that is said about him.

            I think he is very talented for his age and that he is jest growing up. I can’t say that I know him but I know that most people that are his age don’t care! He is young! Like I don’t think people get what young means. He is not a man yet and you learn from your mistakes in life. We as people hang on to everything and word celebrities say and then say that we will never do that or judge them as if we didn’t do the same thing. It’s the fact that your life style is not like most celebrities like Justin Bieber so we want to make stuff up to feel good about our self because we aren’t the ones doing it.

            I’m a fan of Justin and believe he will go really far, Justin absolutely has talented and deserves tons of respect for it. Everyone that bashes him knows nothing about him. He has inspired many people to keep doing want they love. He is very smart and has many talents; he can sing dance, play guitar, piano, and the trumpet. He speaks French, English, and some German. He has kept his head up and maybe he is having a hard time in life right now but he will grow up and move on, we all do.

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