Sunday, October 6, 2013





            When you think about the word “Gay” … What do you think of? Do you think of the word happy? I didn’t think so. If you are called that word or know someone that is “Gay” people discriminate against them. It has gotten to a point were being gay is not right in this society.  We do hurtful things and say hurtful words to Gays so they feel like they are not wanted. In my opinion gay people are treated like a floor we step on for no reason. It’s really stupid and immature for people to treat a gay person like that, simply because of a sexual preference.

            I feel like most people have this images that if you are Gay you will never fit in or really be a part of our society. I think that Homosexuality is not a choice, just like heterosexuality is not a choice. One doesn't choose to be straight, just like one doesn't choose to be gay. To me, homosexuality is natural. I mean sexual orientation is not a choice, you're born that way. Just like how some people are clearly born straight. You may not like the liberties they want in their life, but please don't impose it on their life. I don’t think it’s right that people discriminate against gays.  I think in terms of judging a person based on sexuality, it can only be comparable to racism.  I have no issues with gay individuals; they are still people after all, and should be treated jest like the rest of us.

            People need to stop treating gays like they are nobodies and stat seeing them as somebody’s.  The best thing is jest to get along with them. I think that gay people are just regular people. They don’t act any different than a straight person and I find them more understanding and less judging than most. They are very humble and know how to empathize with others. I think that if you are discriminating against gays you are discriminate against people of certain nationalities or religions. Regardless of what you think, you are basing judgments on someone without knowing and understanding their values. I think that people should stop basing their judgments on being gay and jest except the person for who they are.

            I understand why people disapprove of gay people or gay marriage. Usually people who are against same-sex marriage and Homosexuality have religious reasons for doing so...they can't look at issues logically; they just blindly follow their old-fashion belief systems. It’s mostly because of religion, people will discriminate against gays. I understand why because I’m Christian and my parents are strong believers in God and the Bible.  One thing that people think will work to help Homosexuality is by change the way a person think through religion. I don’t think that works all the time. You can’t change someone thinking only if they want to believe in it or not. I know they don’t like gay people but they treat them as humans.  The Bible and word of god says that love is something two people share together right. What I don’t understand is why people say that being gay is not a form of being loved.  How I see this is love is love, isn’t it? People should accept it.

            I feel like gay marriage has become a “social” issue. We talk about it as if it’s a TV show. Why can’t people jest accept same-sex marriage? People are also afraid that by Gays getting married it will somehow ruin the sanctity of their marriage. I just don’t see how, seeing how marriage does not involve anyone but the 2 people getting married. It’s not them getting married! Truth is who cares? Honestly, it’s their life! People will be gay regardless, so why should they care if they're married or not? If you aren't gay, it doesn't affect you in the slightest. If you're against homosexuality, or it makes you uncomfortable, why do you care what people you don't know do with their lives? Quite frankly, I could care less; it’s their life and their decision. I don’t know why people like putting their noise in everything in America, but don’t like when someone else does it.

            Honestly people just need to leave them alone and stop being so concerned about what they are doing and worry about their own life. Difference is what makes our world such an amazing place. I don’t think it’s such a big deal these days to be gay. In America we deserve the freedom to live our lives the way we want to, and to be treated jest like everyone else. Human right is a big part of our society, but I don’t think people get what it means.  We should not judge people for being Gay; it’s their life and their decision I think that we as people are a minority here in America; we believe in our rights and should follow the golden rule.



This Blog is dedicated to Macklemore & Ryan Lewis song Same Love.

 Check it out on !  


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